Artist or engineer and artist
On the surface, I have a technical degree.
Graduate engineer in aerospace engineering.
But man thought - and God laughed
Into the end of my studies burst the 68 movement, I became a part of it and a life with blinkers was no longer possible.
I was lucky enough to hear the un-heard, to discover the un-seen, to experience the im-possible and above all to be impressed, to try myself out and to learn.
And this journey goes on and on and is far from over...

May 1942
The love of my parents places a human being in a world ablaze with fire
Hello World
Here I am!
West Berlin is to be starved out and I am fascinated by the "raisin bombers".
17 June 1953
After an appendectomy, my bed is pushed into the corridor to make room for the gunshot wounded from East Berlin´s Stalinallee
I get my first drum kit and music becomes a common thread in my life ...
Art Blakey and the Jazz Messengers, concert at Titania Palace.
I don't understand a thing,
but Black Music got me.
27 October 1961
World War III ?
American and Soviet tanks face each other, ready to fire.
We travel there by underground.
"We'll take a look at it".
Autumn 1962
It is certain
I'm going to study aerospace engineering. But at first it's not rockets and moon flights, but "solid" mechanical engineering.
July 1965
A new professor ...
... and new contents "System Analysis", "Project Management", "Programming".
Farewell to the nerd ?
2 June 1967
Benno Ohnesorg shot
The university becomes a wasps' nest, many are disturbed, confused, discuss, get moving
Me too
Spring 1968
Prague Spring
The baffled postman brings the German-language "Prager Volkszeitung" to our shared flat every morning.
21 August 1968
Warsaw Pact tanks put a bloody end to the Prague Spring.
Sept./Oct. 1968
Student trip to the USA
The moon rocket on the launch pad, shaking hands with Wernher von Braun, the begging child in Wall Street, the violence-laden atmosphere in the cotton mill in Alabama ... ?????
Technology with a human face
This is what the discussions with futurologist Robert Jungk revolve around in lecture halls, shared kitchens and elsewhere.
Assistant at the "Verkehrswesen-Seminar"
Wrested from the professors: Students can work on their professional situation and explore the social causes and consequences of technologies.
22 February 1977
A nuclear repository with a reprocessing plant is to be built on 12 square kilometres in the Wendland region of Lower Saxony.
Summer 1977
Gorleben shall live
People from many places meet at summer camp and discuss actions. The concept of nationwide action days is developed.
End of 1977
Gorleben shall live
us too
It's about changing our entire way of life:
Food co-ops, environmental groups, urban-rural projects ....
3 May to 4 June 1980
Free Republic Wendland
Opponents of nuclear power set up a village of huts on the site of the 1004 deep borehole.
The Wenden-Passport is valid throughout the universe as long as its owner can still laugh.
Research project
Technical change and qualification
In the end, it's clear: science is not for me.
May 1982
Workshop with R.Flatischler
A disturbing and fascinating experience that turns my understanding of rhythm "upside down".
Autumn 1982
Moving to the Wendland
On a 160-year-old long abandoned farm, it's all about the elementary: Felling trees, harvesting fruit, milking sheep ...
A healing arrival on the ground of facts ...
"Hart an der Grenze"
Sound performance as part of an art journey in the Wendland.
26 April 1986
Core meltdown in Chernobyll
The radioactive cloud hits all of Europe.
"Da müssen wir durch"
Music performances as part of an art event in the Wendland.
Memento Mori
It won't be more than life.
Performance for voice and percussion
with Brita Kärner
1989 - 1992
Training in Rhythm Pedagogy and Rhythm Therapy with Reinhard Flatischler and Wolf Büntig at ZIST Penzberg
9 November 1989
By the way ...
The Wall is gone!
1989 - 1992
Workshop Series Zen Arts with Michael Vetter
For the sake of love
Move to Bavaria
1994 -2013
Teacher for percussion at the Camerloher Music School Murnau
2002 + 2003
"Schrille Nacht - Heilige Nacht"
Sound installations
ev. Kreuzkirche, Munich
Journey to Ireland
The combination of landscape, history, people and music cast a captivating spell over me - unnoticed at first.
3 Journeys to Ireland
They leave a deep impression and the feeling of having "arrived".
But where actually?
January 2020
Many complain about what is "no longer" possible.
I discover what was "superfluous" and try to find out what "really" matters.
Spring 2021
MakerLab Murnau
Artistic impulses meet digital technologies.
I commit myself ...
"Serialienmarkt in Peiting"
Participation with laser engravings and objects
24 February 2022
Invasion of Ukraine
The next big arson after the war of aggression against Iraq in 2003, which was against international law.
From now on, nothing will be the same.
But what will it be like?
2 Journeys to Ireland
Catch up or discover it all over again?
"Ireland is poorer without You" writes one of my hosts after my return back to Germany.
March 2024
Please Leave A Light On
Participation in an exhibition by artists in motionin Dunoon/Scotland
March 2024
Art meets Technology
Foundation of an ArtLab at MakerLab Murnau
May 2024
New perspectives
Cataract surgery gives a clearer view into the world
2025 subsequent
I will continue to track down the riddle of my life ...
I promise!