
... are people who have accompanied me, provoked me, pushed me around, changed my view of myself and the world - maybe even shaped me. My respect and gratitude go to them.

Some of them will have their say here, but I don't want to "quote" them correctly, but rather state what they have told me.

What is important to me is not who triggers a process, but the dynamics of the process itself.

And many others have left their mark in my life:

  • Gisela
  • Werner
  • Michael
  • Heidrun
  • Amadou
  • Carlos
  • Kim
  • Melanie
  • Karl
  • Thomas
  • Helga
  • Ingrid
  • Richard
  • Alberto
  • Janka
  • Angelika
  • Elisabeth
  • Petra
  • Hans
  • John
  • Colin
  • Jane
  • Maireen
  • Clare
  • Paddy
  • Gloria
  • Jens
  • Marion
  • Bernd
  • Barbara
  • Cornelia
  • Bodo
  • Eckart
  • Volker
  • Angela
  • Elke
  • Fabian
  • Peter
  • Brita
  • Bibiana
  • Joachim
  • Gustav
  • Walter
  • Robert
  • Christa
  • Ian
  • Cindy
  • Johanna
  • Annelies
  • Christine
  • Rudi
  • Lena
  • Marie-Christine
  • Gudrun
  • Birte
  • Sarina
  • Laura
  • Lothar
  • Sun Bear
  • Mauro
  • Susanne
  • Sonnenfisch
  • Max
  • Elsa
  • Gertrud
  • Otto
  • Martha
  • Luise Auguste

MakerLab Murnau

In the last 3 years, I have found good friends, a lot of support and the technical possibilities to realise my ideas here.
Special thanks for that.

Bertold Brecht

And just because he's a human,
he doesn't like a pistol to his head.
He wants no servants under him,
and no boss over his head.

United Front Song 1934

Leonard Cohen

... I can't run no more
With that lawless crowd
While the killers in high places
Say their prayers out loud
But they've summoned, they've summoned up
A thundercloud
And they're going to hear from me

Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack, a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in ...


Shania Twain

a friend is someone who knows the song in your heart

and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words

Reinhard Flatischler

For hours we spoke to each other Ta-Ke-Ti-Na, Mu-San-Ga-La, Ga-Ma-La, Gu-Gu-Le-Le, Ba-Ba ...
Syllables which sometimes eluding the grasp of the mind in an edgy, sometimes slippery way, and yet are the path to something essential:

Direct physical experience

... that a sound can be heard inside me and outside me at the same time

... that paradoxical things can be at the same time: Noise and silence, stillness and movement ...

... that life just pulsates, as a cell, as an amino acid, as an atom, before it does anything else like move, feel feelings, think thoughts …

... that rhythm is the supporting foundation of our existence.

... and … more … more ...

Garden of Remembrance , Dublin

dedicated to those who gave their lives in the cause of Irish freedom

Michael Vetter

Gradually the walls between the windows become transparent

Do something and repeat it as exactly as possible
notice how it differs from your memory
and go on exactly from there

Alain Danielu

The most important event that marked the relations between the musical traditions of the Orient and the Occident ... is the colonisation ... (it) was a real catastrophe for the non-European cultures ... The forced adoption of a culture, a language, a religion and foreign customs and traditions constitutes collective brainwashing and is tantamount to cultural genocide.

Die Musik Asiens zwischen Missachtung und Wertschätzung 1973

Steve Jobs

... stay hungry, stay foolish, do the things You love

Georg Forster

I realised that all peoples have the same human nature and that all their differences come from education, habits and circumstances that affect them.
There is no reason why one nation is more civilised than another except that it has had the opportunity to develop its powers and abilities in certain ways.

A Voyage Round the World 1777

Daisetz T. Suzuki

It is wiser to be above all happiness and unhappiness,

but the wisest thing of all
is to hope for good fortune,

for hope helps a little
that it will come to pass.

Bob Marley

I´m gonna stare in the sun,
let the rays shine in my eyes
I´m gonna take just a one step more
because I feel like bombing a church
now that you know that the preacher ist lying
now who's gonna stay at home
when the freedom fighters are fighting
Talkin´ Blues ...

Wolf Büntig

It is about developing human potential, about becoming someone who knows who he or she is talking about when that person says I and who knows who he or she is when they leave.


Wolf Büntig

Humans are the only living beings capable of not learning from experience.


Humans only learn from disasters,
a pity, really.

Wolf Büntig

Children are a burden but it is worth it!

A child has a right to its own destiny.
What else should it grow from?

A child needs
a bowl of soup when it is hungry
a blanket when it freezes and
an honest answer
to every question.

Bert Hellinger

What is, must be allowed to be

George Leonard

In each of us - however imperfect - beats a soundless pulse of perfect rhythm, which is absolutely individual and peculiar and at the same time connects us with the whole universe.

If we succeed in becoming aware of this pulse, then our personal experience can change fundamentally and with it our environment.

Robert Jungk - an incorrigible optimist

... as little as I was prepared to stop the course of my own breath, my own heartbeat, my own destiny, out of desperate insight into futility, so little can I ... stop believing in the survival of our unique species and working towards it.

Robert Jungk: TROTZDEM - Mein Leben für die Zukunft, 1993