
... are people who have accompanied me, provoked me, pushed me around, changed my view of myself and the world - maybe even shaped me. My respect and gratitude go to them.

Some of them will have their say here, but I don't want to "quote" them correctly, but rather state what they have told me.

What is important to me is not who triggers a process, but the dynamics of the process itself.

And many others have left their mark in my life:

  • Gisela
  • Werner
  • Michael
  • Heidrun
  • Amadou
  • Carlos
  • Kim
  • Melanie
  • Karl
  • Thomas
  • Helga
  • Ingrid
  • Richard
  • Alberto
  • Janka
  • Angelika
  • Elisabeth
  • Petra
  • Hans
  • John
  • Colin
  • Jane
  • Maireen
  • Clare
  • Paddy
  • Gloria
  • Jens
  • Marion
  • Bernd
  • Barbara
  • Cornelia
  • Bodo
  • Eckart
  • Volker
  • Angela
  • Elke
  • Fabian
  • Peter
  • Brita
  • Bibiana
  • Joachim
  • Gustav
  • Walter
  • Robert
  • Christa
  • Ian
  • Cindy
  • Johanna
  • Annelies
  • Christine
  • Rudi
  • Lena
  • Marie-Christine
  • Gudrun
  • Birte
  • Sarina
  • Laura
  • Lothar
  • Sun Bear
  • Mauro
  • Susanne
  • Sonnenfisch
  • Max
  • Elsa
  • Gertrud
  • Otto
  • Martha
  • Luise Auguste

MakerLab Murnau

In the last 3 years, I have found good friends, a lot of support and the technical possibilities to realise my ideas here.
Special thanks for that.

Daisetz T. Suzuki

It is wiser to be above all happiness and unhappiness,

but the wisest thing of all
is to hope for good fortune,

for hope helps a little
that it will come to pass.